Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is David Dewhurst the best choice for lieutenant governor?

Is David Dewhurst the best choice for lieutenant governor for Texas?
This editorial is projected and sending a message to all citizens of Texas. The facts and opinions being stated are important to everyone for the simple fact that we are talking about the most powerful post in Texas government.
Dewhurst is a republican that is up for his third re-election for this crucial post. We all know that lieutenant governor is the most powerful person in Texas government. Many feel that he is due to his past business decisions. However, he does lack general notoriety as did the prior lieutenant governor Bob Bullock. Before Mr. Dewhurst held this post he was the state's land commissioner, another low-profile post that gave him a feel for managing a state agency and budget. Dewhurst prides him self on understanding and respecting the senate and the senators. He learned very well. The oil business made him a wealthy man before he ran for land commissioner in 1998. This allowed Dewhurst to use his business background and respectable knowledge to manage public money.
When he met with the Austin American Statesman he did not make any promises besides that he would listen and run the senate fairly. His opponent is Democrat Linda Chavez-Thompson of San Antonio. She is now retired from a career as a labor organizer. Everyone admires her life story but many doubt that she could handle 31 members dominated by republican.
We think these kind of thing are easy to say but hard to accomplish. Dewhurst has some flaws and isn't perfect. Also there are issues on which I disagree with like the voter ID bill. Also the exclusion of Central Texas senators from the redistricting committee is another. Nonetheless, we don't doubt the sincerity of his wish to be regarded as a statesman. Dewhurst is working and trying to make himself better at this so powerful post, and as well as the great state of Texas.
I feel that the author of this editorial is some what bias towards Mrs. Chavez-Thompson, because he doesn’t give any facts against her. All he said was she probably wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. On the other hand I would most likely vote in David Dewhurst for his third term.

Dewhurst best choice for lieutenant governor

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