Monday, September 20, 2010


"The Census Bureau study released Thursday said that Texas' poverty rate last year was 17.3 percent, once again the nation's sixth-highest. The rate among Texas children also has increased since 2008."
The government announced Thursday that nearly 4.3 million Texans lived in poverty last year, a 11 percent increase. Larry James and Jill Cumnock run charities in North Texas that feed and tend to the poor families in the North Texas. Since 2008 the demand to run there charities has gone up 25 percent, and in some cases even doubled.
Mr. James reported that the number of people he has feed has gone up substantially since 2008. The number of people feed 2008 is 34,000 to 43,000 last year and now 48,000 people this year.
Jill Cumnock runs her charity out of Frisco, TX., and has reported that her agency now helps over 64 clients a month, which has doubled from 2 years ago.
There are now 1.8 million kids under the age of 18 that is in poverty in the state of Texas. Another astonishing stat is that there has already been 43 million pounds of food distributed through out Texas for the second quarter of 2010. Which is a 14% increase of last year in the same period of time.
This article is worth reading because it affects millions of our younger generation. Personally I think this is unacceptable, because for one this shouldn't be a problem here in Texas or in fact anywhere else here in America. Since this is an issue people need to think of contributing to charities and other food banks around your areas. Like the column said 1.8 million kids. That's 1.8 million too many. So this should be an all hand process to solve this issue.

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