Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Another border effort bites the dust

What will it take to secure our borders? How will it be done?
This has been an on going process since 1997. There have been many different tactics and ways of trying to do so. Our Texas government has been trying to build high tech devices to patrol our borders to capture illegal’s, along the 6,000 miles of Mexican and Canadian borders.
In 1998 the first system that was used was the ISIS, ( Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System), which obviously didn’t work. The ISIS had many flaws, there was mismanagement and along with equipment that did not work. The Shield Initiative in 2005 had the same outcome and same problems as the ISIS.
Then in 2006, George W. Bush signed a law creating the Secure Border Initiative.
This system is called SBInet, which is suppose to be a virtual fence with some real fencing, that would cost $2.5 BILLION and be finished in 3 years. Now the cost to finish the project is $30 BILLION! Now guess what? The federal government has thrown out the program.
Homeland security department had been excepting this since April of this year, and has stopped spending money on a 53 mile demo project in Arizona. This project was secured with regular fencing, and 28 miles of towers with transmitters and monitors. Which is used to pick up signal and be transmitted to laptop computers in border patrol vehicles. The idea is great but again there are flaws. Cow and other animals would set off signals, property owners complained about there privacy, and most importantly equipment wouldn’t talk to other equipment.
After reports saying DHS had failed to manage Boeings manager, and not being able to help out Boeing by getting other equipment and doing the actual work the program came to halt. Since there was no deal made between DHS and Boeing the Oboma administration killed the program. How about we try the Rartheon Corp of Mass.?
How much more money will we pay to get our borders secured?
We the taxpayers already paid $429 million for the ISIS, and another $850 million for SBInet, and for what. We are right back at square one if you ask me. It all comes down to Washington to come up with an immigration policy do something to help all border states. That is if they say it’s a problem, like they claim.

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